Sunday, June 30, 2013

PrasAdam is received with an attitude of total acceptance.
Resistance denotes rAgA/dveshA hold!
To desire is inevitable while living.
Desire transforms into action for the result.
when the result comes one is generally overpowered by rAgA/dveshA.
If one can clearly understand that one gets in the scheme of things what one deserves and not necessarily what one desires,then it is easy to imbibe the value of prasAdA from ISVARA.
This is the growth avoiding self imposed unhappiness!!!
THINK and OWN this to live a better life!!!
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For the srishti to be dynamic two types of people are to be taken care of!!
One is a consumer and the other is a contributor!!!
Laws of ISVARA is implemented through the individual human beings and understand that there is no dropping of DONUTS!!!!!
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When you understand ISVARA is perfection no action can be imperfect!!
If you deserve and you are recognised by ISVARA the laws then you play the role for ISVARA!!!!
To recognise this and to express the gratitude to the LORD is again the LORD's blessing!
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

MIND is to be understood as vrittipravAhA! Flow of thoughts continuosly!!
This flow is automatic in the waking state and the dream state!!!!
MIND is dormant and not active in deep sleep state!
In deep sleep state is a state during which you are with the ATMA without knowing!
Without knowing you are with the SELF which is satchidAnandasvarUpaha.!!
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It is possible to understand that YOU IS 'satchidAnandasvarUpaha' by getting to know this and understanding with the MIND and then with the MIND that is alive but not active!!!!
wishes and love
Even the existence of the SUN the MOON the STARS and not to talk about GANGA Kaveri etc will disappear one day as SATYAM cannot show up for cognition as an object!!!!
GitA BhagavAn states- nAnu sochantipanditAhA!- they know the reality!!!!!!!!!
THINK to understand!
wishes and love
Any birth including human takes place with diseases!!
Diseases are unique to an individual!
They surface as manageable/bearable some time and unbearable some time!
This is the fructification of KARMA phalA!
The end happens with the influence of a disease!!!
Appreciate and understand ISVARA's ORDER that prevails!!!!!
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Acceptance and non acceptance makes a world of difference in managing a disease!
Do what is to be done and accept without resistence understanding the order of ISVARA!!
This is intelligent living and you have a CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Every one lives in two worlds! Inner and the outer!!
The inner world is the personality comprising of the knowledge,idiosynchrasies,EGO and the ignorence!
The outer world is the world, one transacts outside the individual-interpersonal relationship,connections,transactions etc
The inner world covers a space for the individual!
The outer world is the world that is not YOU!
You take the unreal as real!!!!! This is adhyAsA!!!
The biological connections of husband/wife/son/daughter is your extension and the means!!
When the son/daughter gets separated when the biblical tube is cut and separated your connection is only as an object and to deal objectively!!!!!
It is ISVARA's order in the scheme that you are endowed with certain resposibility and this is to be discharged as a ROLE PLAYER with DHARMA as sruti!
Play the game of detached attachment and this is how the game of living has to be played!!!
THINK-UNDERSTAND-LIVE to be an individual with a difference!!!!!!!!
wishes and love.
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The LORD has given whatever one deserves and there cannot be any error!!
This ISVARA's order!!!
Express your gratitude to the LORD before asking any thing!!!!
You get what you deserve and not what you desire!!!!
Understand this by Matured understanding.
wishes and love.
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Sunday, June 9, 2013

'vAcArambanam namadeyam eva' Any word indicates a name and a form and the knowledge takes place by the five means-eyes,ears,nose,taste and touch!
The greatness of shAstrA is to help you understand THAT which cannot be described as a word of an object but help you UNDERSTAND!
See how shAstrA helps one understand!!!!
anoraneeyam mahator maheeyAm!
Smaller than an atom and bigger than the biggest!
advaye aje abhaye akshare tameva bhAntam etc indicates means to UNDERSTAND that ATMA is not an OBJECT to cognise!!!!
contemplate and UNDERSTAND!
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when we say savikalpa samAdhi or nirvikalpa samAdhi ,it is like meditation.
Mind is alive but not active!
The status of YOU being with YOURSELF!
This is all time bound!!
What shAstrA indicates is 'akandAkAra vrtti' which is really not a vrttI, but KNOWLEDGE with alert MIND stayingON!!!
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nobody can be a savior for any one!!!!!!!
One has to save himself/herself!!!
If you think some body saves you it is "AS THOUGH'
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One has to die one's own death!!!
Because one is born as an individual but connected 'AS THOUGH'
The ajnAnam helps one understand the connection is real and the connection accounts to the karma phalA!
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If you know the death is for the body,mind senses enclosed BODY you understand who you are!!!!!
What you experience in this body,mind senses is KARMA PHALA!
Understand this and GROW!! your CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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After a shower!
Plants and trees express their nature.The park where I go for morning walk.
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By the equation 'tattvamasi" understand that you are connected to the TOTAL but ignorence separates YOU!!!!
By the equation 'tattvamasi" understand that you are connected to the TOTAL but ignorence separates YOU!!!!